Collective agreements provide for the payment by employers of a fixed Christmas bonus payable in December and a Holiday bonus payable from 1 May to 15 August. Those who work part-time or only a part of the year receive these premiums proportionally.
Collective agreements provide for the payment by employers of a fixed Christmas bonus payable in December and a Holiday bonus payable from 1 May to 15 August. Those who work part-time or only a part of the year receive these premiums proportionally.
Vinnuréttarvefnum er skipt upp í nokkra meginkafla sem hver um sig fjallar um flest sem viðkemur íslenskum vinnurétti, og umgjörð íslensks vinnumarkaðar.
Alþýðusamband Íslands er stærsta fjöldahreyfing launafólks á landinu.
Hægt er að senda okkur fyrirspurnir eða ábendingar um réttindi eða skyldur á vinnumarkaði á
Alþýðusamband Íslands
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