Worker falls sick before or during holiday

If illness prevents the employee from taking vacation at the time designated by the employer, the employee is entitled to go on vacation outside of the summer vacation period. Vacation thus taken, however, must be completed before 31 May of the following year. The employee has the right to pay during illness in accordance with his/her earned sick-leave rights and the provisions of the collective agreements thereon.

In the event that an employee falls so ill while on holiday in Iceland, in a country within the EEA area, Switzerland, the US or Canada that he is unable to enjoy the holiday, he must notify his employer of such event on the first day of illness by means of e.g. telegraph, e-mail or other verifiable manner unless force majeur circumstances prevent him from doing so, in which case he must send notification as soon as such circumstances are alleviated. If the employee meets the notification requirement, the illness lasts for more than 3 full days and he notifies the employer within that time of the name of the doctor from whom he is receiving medical care or who will issue a medical certificate, he shall be entitled to additional holiday leave for the same length of time as his illness demonstrably lasted. In the above circumstances, the employee must always provide confirmation of illness in the form of a doctor’s certificate. The employer is entitled to have a physician examine an employee who has fallen ill during his/her holiday. As far as is possible, additional holiday leave shall be granted at the time requested by the employee during the period from 2 May to 15 September, except where special circumstances apply. The same rules as stated above apply to accidents during holidays. The employee shall notify the employer about his/her illness on the first day of illness.


Vinnuréttarvefnum er skipt upp í nokkra meginkafla sem hver um sig fjallar um flest sem viðkemur íslenskum vinnurétti, og umgjörð íslensks vinnumarkaðar.

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