The Icelandic Confederation of Labour (ASI)

The Icelandic Confederation of Labour (ASI) is built up of trade unions of general workers, office and retail workers, seamen, construction and industrial workers, electrical workers and various other professions. These trade unions are affiliated to 5 national federations which in turn are affiliated to ASI. In addition there are 7 national unions which are directly affiliated to ASI. The two largest trade unions in Iceland are Efling-stéttarfélag and VR. Trade unions belonging to ASI represent almost exclusively workers in the private sector, but some of their members are also employed by municipal authorities and the state.

The role of ASI is to promote the interests of its constituent federations, trade unions and workers by providing leadership through co-ordination of policies in the fields of employment, social, education, environment and labour market issues. ASI represents the trade union movement at various levels of the government on issues such as labour law, employment and social policy and occupational safety. ASI is a member of various international and regional organizations. These include the Nordisk fackligt samarbejde (NFS), which is an organization of the Nordic Confederations of Labour, The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).  Individual federations which are affiliated to ASI are themselves members of Nordic, European and international organisations in their respective fields. 

Employers on the general labour market organize themselves in a similar manner, the most representative being The Confederation of Icelandic Employers (SA).

The social partners are represented in public institutions which deal with labour market issues, such as the Administration of Occupational Safety and Health, the Directorate of Labour, the Unemployment Insurance Fund and the Centre for Gender Equality. The purpose of this arrangement is to establish where possible a consensus between the social partners and the government regarding policymaking and the legislative framework.


Vinnuréttarvefnum er skipt upp í nokkra meginkafla sem hver um sig fjallar um flest sem viðkemur íslenskum vinnurétti, og umgjörð íslensks vinnumarkaðar.

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