If an employment contract is terminated, the employer is required, at the end of the employment relationship to pay the worker all his accrued but unpaid holiday allowance.
If an employment contract is terminated, the employer is required, at the end of the employment relationship to pay the worker all his accrued but unpaid holiday allowance.
Vinnuréttarvefnum er skipt upp í nokkra meginkafla sem hver um sig fjallar um flest sem viðkemur íslenskum vinnurétti, og umgjörð íslensks vinnumarkaðar.
Alþýðusamband Íslands er stærsta fjöldahreyfing launafólks á landinu.
Endilega sendur okkur fyrirspurnir eða ábendingar um réttindi eða skyldur á vinnumarkaði.
Alþýðusamband Íslands
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