Daily rest

Working time for each 24 hour day must be organized in such a way as to provide at least 11 hours of consecutive rest for the worker. If possible, the daily time of rest should fall between 11pm and 6am.

It is unlawful for employers to organize longer than 13 hour workdays.

When special circumstances demand that an exception be made to the rules regarding daily rest the following applies: If workers are specifically asked to come to work before the 11 hour daily rest is over, it is allowed to postpone the rest and grant it later so that the right to time off from work, 1.5 hours (day work), accumulates for every hour of rest reduction. It is allowed to pay 0.5 hours (day work) of each accumulated hour but the rest must be granted as time of.  

Exception is also allowed in case of shift work, each time the worker changes shift and cannot take daily and/or weekly rest periods between the end of one shift and the start of the next one. In this case, daily rest may be reduced to 8 hours each time. Shift work is defined as any method of organising work in shifts whereby workers succeed each other at the same work station according to a certain pattern, dividing the work to different hours of the day in each shift period.

Workers are also entitled to a break of for rest at least 15 minutes from work during each working day of more than 6 hours. Coffee and meal breaks are considered to be breaks.


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